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Overview and analysis of the key policy announcements made by the EU for the Fit for 55 package


This white paper documents what we know about the Fit for 55 package. It provides an analysis on its implications for sectors such as transport, aviation, maritime, ports, refining, ammonia, and aluminum, as well as hydrogen and carbon pricing. 

In July 2021, the European Commission released 17 policy proposals to decarbonize the EU, collectively known as Fit for 55 package. The objective was to make the EU fit enough to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 55 percent by 2030.

The package includes proposals to amend regulations, directives, revisions and amendments to existing directives and communications. If adopted, they could create different legal requirements and have varying implications for local industries and imports into Europe.

Download our white paper to understand what those implications are.

This special white paper, which is free to download in its entirety, forms one in a series of reporting on government launched energy transition initiatives. These are not drafted to include any form of political opinion, or bias, and as such represent a clear reporting of the facts known at the time of publication. Any suggestion of political leanings is unintentional.


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