56 results for for "Fossil Fuel - Gas"

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General Content / 26 March 2024

Cranfield University received £69 million investment for creating the Cranfield Hydrogen Integration Incubator (CH2i)

It is the largest financial injection for research that Cranfield University has ever secured. £23 million comes from Research England’s Research Partnership Investment Fund (UKRPIF), with a further £46 million committed from industry partners and academic institutions. CH2i will support the aviation industry to explore how to move towards the use of hydrogen at scale.


General Content / 05 April 2024

German Coalition Agrees Financing Details Of Hydrogen Network

"Germany’s ruling coalition agreed a financing mechanism for the country’s future hydrogen network, extending a deadline for it to be built by five years to 2037 and offering protection for investors in case of bankruptcy. The country’s core network for hydrogen fuel will extend over 9,700 km (6,000 miles) and cost around 20 billion euros ($21.6 billion), with existing gas pipelines making up 60% of the network."

green hydrogen

General Content / 09 April 2024

Axpo and ENEGO consider 100 MW green hydrogen production plant in Sicily

Axpo has signed a cooperation agreement with French energy investor ENEGO to study the feasibility of a 100 MW green hydrogen plant in Sicily. The project shall be located in the Priolo-Augusta industrial complex on the island’s east coast. Contributing to the creation of a ‘hydrogen valley’ running between Catania and Siracusa, the new plant would help meet demand for green from industries in the surrounding area. For Axpo, this is a further step in its strategy of playing an active role in the development of the green hydrogen economy in Switzerland and Europe.