Technical Solutions

Bottom inside view of a stack pipe at a refinery.

We provide value to clients by utilizing various modelling tools.

Finite element analysis

Advisian has wide ranging experience in using finite element analysis (FEA) modelling to solve a range of mechanical and structural problems encountered across a range of industries. 

Modelling example

Computational fluid dynamics

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling is used to improve the understanding of 3D flow-based problems. Our capability and experience covers hydraulic free surface flow through to more complicated multiphase and coupled problems. 

Modelling example

Discrete event simulation and logistics modelling

Discrete event simulation is a powerful tool for simulating business processes and rule sets. This could range from examining the pit-to-port system for a mine to the process of assessing a development application. 

Conveyor belt

Blast, fire, explosion and gas dispersion

Quantification of a risk to people, equipment and operations is well-suited to a range of virtual tools. CFD modelling can be used to examine ventilation, dispersion and explosion effects, and FEA can be used to examine structural and other failures that may lead to subsequent effects. 

Modelling example

Dynamic system analysis

Dynamic response of structures and equipment can be assessed to determine how they will perform under industrial applications. Modifications can be made to improve their performance and tested prior to implementation. 

Modelling example

Dynamic process simulation

Dynamic process simulation using software such as Hysys Dynamics and UniSim is an industry standard way of investigating the impact of transient process scenarios such as blowdown, HIPPs systems slug handling, hi-fidelity centrifugal compressor studies, control and process safety times etc.

Dynamic Process Simulation

Digital twins and advanced real-time monitoring

In this context, a digital twin is a virtual representation of both the elements and the dynamics of physical piece of equipment or system across its lifecycle, using real-time data to enable understanding, learning, reasoning and real-time optimisation.

Digital Twins and Advanced Real-time Monitoring

Surge analysis

Industrial pipelines are subject to pressure surges due to changes made through start up and shutdowns. Surge analysis allows for the pressure spikes transmitted through the system to be analysed and ensure they remain within the design pressure levels.

Where issues are identified options to improve the system to reduce the maximum pressures observed are modelled to allow these risks to be managed. 

Modelling example

Noise and acoustic analysis

Advisian has the analysis tools to assess noise generation and transmission in the environment and through structures and equipment. Additionally measurements can be performed to assist in developing these models to accurately reflect the noise sources. 

Modelling example

Fatigue assessment

Fatigue is important where cyclic loads are present. Stress analysis coupled with fatigue calculations can be performed to ensure the robustness of an arrangement to these loadings.T


Modelling example

Find out about our Advanced Analysis capabilities