Water Specialist Services

Water treatment plant

Water is a critical resource for communities and industries around the world. Scarcity, increased competition for available resources, environmental pressures, floods, drought and climate change uncertainty have combined to pose new challenges to our client’s businesses and the community at large.

Embracing all aspects of responsible water management

A key challenge we see emerging for clients is embracing all aspects of responsible water management including abstraction, discharge, and treatment and recycling together with the associated residuals.

Our consultants have a strong track record delivering innovative solutions to help clients manage their water infrastructure needs. We have worked on all types of water and wastewater infrastructure - from concept studies to detailed design, construction and commissioning, including:

  • Conventional water treatment plants
  • Wastewater treatment plants
  • Desalination plants – seawater, saline brackish and reuse
  • Unconventional oil and gas produced water treatment, brine and salt management
  • Pipelines and pumping stations

Our experience ensures clients get the correct technical solution at the right price. We have assisted many clients who have found their ‘off the shelf water treatment package’ has not lived up to their needs or expectations. Our early involvement greatly reduces the risk of subsequent technical issues and associated down time as well as contractual disputes with suppliers.

Our services include

  • Conventional water treatment wastewater treatment
  • Biosolids management and treatment
  • Membrane-based processes
  • Pump station design
  • Hydraulic modelling
  • Transient analysis and fatigue analysis
  • Strategy development and long-term planning
  • Concept studies
  • Detailed design
  • Specification writing
  • Procurement support
  • Construction supervision
  • Commissioning support
  • Owners engineer services
  • Expert witness
  • Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling
  • Water and wastewater reticulation
  • Balance of plant design for treatment facilities covering all disciplines (process, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control, structural, materials and corrosion, civil, drafting)
  • 3D modelling
  • Risk, HAZOP, HAZID, SID, operability workshop participation and facilitation