Hebron is an offshore heavy oil development located in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, approximately 340 km off the coast of St. John's, Newfoundland Canada and in approximately 93 meters of water depth.
The situation
Hebron is an offshore heavy oil development located in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, approximately 340 km off the coast of St. John's, Newfoundland Canada and in approximately 93 meters of water depth.
For the facilities topsides to comply with the requirements stated by the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (CLNOPB), Advisian provided a quantitative risk assessment of the topsides.
Our approach
We assessed a number of different major accident events (MAE), including:
MAE-01 - Loss of containment
MAE-02 - Well blowout
MAE-03 - Hydrocarbon fire and/or explosion
MAE-04 - Non-hydrocarbon fire
MAE-05 - Environmental loading: iceberg impact
MAE-06 - Ship collision
MAE-07 - Helicopter operation
MAE-08 - Seismic instability
MAE-09 - Structural failure
MAE-10 - Dropped objects
The quantitative risk assessment model was developed in Microsoft Excel and incorporated fire and explosion modelling, using computational fluid dynamics by a third part contractor.
We also incorporated annualised heat and mass balanced data – as well as the drilling and workover/intervention profile – to dynamically track the facility risk level over the facility lifetime.
Our quantitative risk assessment model allowed for the following key risk metrics to be quantified:
Individual risk per annum
Potential for loss of life
Area-specific risk per annum
In addition, the QRA quantified the impairment probabilities of key safety systems, including the temporary refuge, primary escape routes and life boats.