Performance Diagnostics

Performance Diagnostics

At Advisian we think differently. We use risk analysis to gain insight on opportunities for smarter risk management as well as to demonstrate quality in compliance.

Our analysis and assurance processes (including audits) provide a platform for improvement; and give our clients confidence to meet legislated and corporate expectations. Because our background is engineering we are especially skilled in deconstructing complex risks into components that can be analysed for critical path impacts.

We use diagnostic tools to do more than meet industry standards, we also use them to find ways to:

  • Maximise CAPEX investment and reduce OPEX expenses
  • Leverage health and safety to improve procedures and processes
  • Align tasks so compounding risks are avoided
  • Optimise design solutions and engineering controls
  • Assess human factor and organisational culture opportunities

Services include:


Find out more about what we do at Advisian