Case Study

Project optimisation for Damit WorleyParsons Engineering and Brunei Shell Petroleum

Offshore platform construction

Reviewing current state project dynamics and creating a collaborative approach to fostering a high performance environment.

The transition to new contractual arrangements has also placed significant pressure on both parties (BSP & DWE) as they unshackled themselves from the past 20 years of legacy behaviour and moved towards a more dynamic “business partnership” where the business imperative was to align systems, processes and culture to achieve a “best for project” outcome. 

Advisian’s role 

Advisian was engaged to implement its Project Optimisation Program which involved a review of “current state” of the project dynamics, a 4-D Systems Team Development Program and the creation of a facilitated, collaborative approach to foster a high performance environment focused on effective program management and risk mitigation. 

Phase 1 of Advisian’s Program involved: 

  • A review of the “current state” through interviews and focus groups as well as desk top analysis to identify the greatest opportunities for improvement.
  • Alignment Surveys and 4-D Systems Team Development Assessments for two different teams, including the DWE & BSP leadership team.
  • A workshop with the overall DWE/BSP projects’ leadership team to develop an agreement and commitment to achieving their “desired future state”. This workshop also resolved urgent issues and agreed initiatives to drive the future “business partnership” to success.Working with a pilot group; Oneday facilitated workshop with the leadership team of B2,3 (the largest project) to bring the ‘undiscussables’ to ‘discussability’ and agree how, at project level they will achieve the direction set by the overall leadership.
  • A facilitated high performance team program for DWE internally to ensure they positively contribute to the overall program success.
  • A facilitated follow-up “status reporting” session, within 6 weeks of the initial workshops, to ensure momentum is maintained and to initiate phase 2 of the program. 

The program was developed using 4-D Systems combined with Advisian’s proprietary gap analysis tools. As a result we have been able to create the behaviour change and benchmark the technical and team performance in each of the workshops. 


The leadership team developed a ‘partnership agreement’ and commitment to achieving their “desired future state”. The program also resolved urgent issues and leaders agreed to implement multiple initiatives designed to improve work processes, protocols and communications, including early identification of project delivery issues on all areas / disciplines by both parties. 

Phase 2 will complete the 4-D Systems program implementation for key teams, including the leadership teams. The 4-D Systems tools will be used to embed the 8 key behaviours, proven in NASA to improve project and program results. 4-D Systems Development Assessments will also be used to monitor the teams’ performance over the next 12 Months using quantifiable benchmarking against the top performing teams in NASA. 

We have set high expectations for our business partner to deliver a portfolio of world class project designs. To be successful; we implemented fundamental changes to the organisation’s structures but were still experiencing difficulties getting our people to engage. We used Advisian to deploy the 4-D Systems approach and this has unlocked the door to allow our organisations to move to a new place through the power of ‘team’

Dave Hope-Johnstone, Engineering Services Lead - Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP)
