Carbon risk and adaptation

Collage of thermal power plant smoke stacks and a rainforest

How do we do we mitigate the risks posed by climate change? The answer lies in our innovation, strategic planning, and a suite of technologies.

Switching to alternative forms of power. Contributing to a circular economy. Removing carbon from the environment. No single industry has the definitive solution to addressing the challenges and risks of climate change.

However, one thing is certain: it’s more important than ever to bring knowledge and sustainable technologies from different sectors into business planning.

Tools of the trade

One such technology is the Advisian Carbon Risk Index Service (ACRIS). It’s an early warning system that analyzes risks and opportunities associated with carbon emissions. Our clients are taking advantage of its insights and tools to help them navigate the energy transition and changes in climate risk.

Another is waterRIDE. It has helped over 250 organizations to predict the location and severity of floods on infrastructure and communities in the last 15 years. As a result, they’ve been able to increase the safety and resilience of flood-prone areas.

Expertise from green energy to logistics

But tools are just part of the answer. Future proofing businesses also requires a suite of advisory solutions such as strategic roadmaps for carbon reduction and refining. Or designing offshore wind farms to electrify offshore oil and gas.

It all boils down to finding alternatives to carbon intensive operations that safeguard investments. For our clients, this might mean switching to low carbon fuels and electricity, designing new ports, or retrofitting old refineries.

Will it be enough to reach net zero targets?

Making strategic decisions now is paying off for our clients. They’re on the path to achieving net zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 targets by 2030, using the technology and strategies we help them with. We’re on the same path, analyzing the physical and transitional climate risk exposure to our own business.

You can read our climate change position statement by visiting