Alex Buehler leading workshop at Calgary OpEx Summit

June 4, 2018 | Calgary, Canada 
Workshop Details
Cost Benchmarking: Reducing Cost and Complexity in your Operations. 1:15p.m.-3:15p.m.

Much of the value created by the refining and petrochemicals industry over the past decade has been soaked up by complexity and inefficiency. Increased regulation, inattention to costs, depletion of easy-to-exploit resources and a talent shortage have dealt a fundamental blow to industry profits—a blow that is now magnified with low oil prices.

This workshop will give you the opportunity to identify the key levers for driving out cost and complexity in your operations. Learn how you can fight back by participating in group discussions – we’ll examine 5 key levers for drive out cost and complexity in your operations now including:

  • Optimising Headcount and Talent
  • Improving Workforce Efficiency
  • Standardizing Technologies
  • Enhancing Supply Chain Collaboration
  • Optimising Maintenance

When used correctly the above levers can deliver sizable improvements to efficiency, agility and, ultimately, financial performance.

About Alex Buehler

Alex BuehlerMr. Buehler currently serves as the Director of Operations and Business Development at Advisian. He has over 20 years of project/asset management and consulting experience in the natural resource (oil and gas) industry sector. Mr. Buehler has a successful track record of directing the design and implementation of sustainable workforce-optimization and change-management systems across multi-regional geographic areas, with Lean - Six Sigma methodologies, and has published several articles in the Oil & Gas Financial Journal. His work experience locations include the North America, South America and the European Union.

Click here for more information about the summit.