Case Study

Murray Darling Pilot Project

Murray darling river

Transaction management and commercial advice for a pilot project that will improve understanding of water flows across the Murray-Darling basin.

The situation

Advisian provided the New South Wales State Water Corporation (State Water) with transaction management and commercial advice for a pilot project that will improve understanding of water flows across the Murray-Darling basin.

The pilot project was designed to measure water extracted from groundwater and rivers by upgrading or replacing up to 1,200 water meters to provide water usage readings to centralised databases via wireless telemetry. They will also be used to evaluate installation options and techniques prior to the full state-wide roll-out of the new meters.

Our approach

We worked closely with the State Water team to structure the Managing Contractor contract and assisted in the financial evaluation and assessment of the tenderers’ price and offer.


State Water established an efficient and proven Managing Contractor contract that was used for the roll-out of new meters and telemetry across the basin.
