Market Perspective Report

Market Analysis Studies

The Market Perspective Report is a curated, targeted look at changes in the oil and gas, refining, and downstream industries. In our view these hydrocarbon industries are deeply connected and to fully understand changes in one sector requires an overview of what is happening in other sectors.

Rapidly changing feedstock prices. Evolving markets. New products, new competitors, new process routes and new regulations. In this rapidly changing environment, market analysis is the key element that establishes the basis for all capital project decision making.

Our consulting team − with deep backgrounds in markets, pricing, regulations, policy and technology − has created a report that spans the hydrocarbon value chain from oil and gas to refined products, petrochemicals, and polymers.

We report market developments and changes relevant and important to decision makers. We back up our analysis with charts and figures based on our in-house models. 

The Market Perspective Report has been used for over a decade to inform and support our internal decision makers, strategic planners, and sales team at Worley. Strong interest by our clients has led us to offer the Market Perspective Report as a subscription service. 

Our report is prefaced by a COVID-19 roadmap which provides our perspective on changes in the hydrocarbon sector as nations respond, rebuild, and recover from COVID-19. Each month, we report progress along the path to recovery. We update changes across the industry and developments of most interest and importance to our readers. For more information on the Market Perspective Report click here.