Thermal energy

Collage of power plants and buildings.

The future of thermal energy

Public pressure against fossil fuels is mounting.

Policies aren’t far behind and banks are reluctant to fund new fossil fuel-based projects. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is also calling for the energy sector to phase out coal by 2040 to limit global warming by 1.5°C. 

But thermal energy still has a role to play.

To secure its place in a low-carbon future, thermal energy producers need to reduce emissions and boost performance, while adjusting to changing policies and costs. They need to modify their power plants and tap into new technologies.

We’re at the forefront of next-gen thermal energy technology 

Cogeneration of power using technology to turn waste heat to energy and heat will still use gas for efficiency and sustainability. And gas will be a transitionary fuel as low-carbon solutions mature.

Partnering with organizations such as the National Energy Technology Laboratory and the Electric Power Research Institute helps us to shape conversations and engage early in research and development. This will lead to the implementation and commercialization of new thermal energy technology – and help new participants enter the energy industry.

Supercritical CO2 and Allam Cycle energy conversion technology are among some of the solutions we’re helping clients commercialize. These innovations are helping the sector improve and prolong its thermal portfolios as better options become available.

Navigating the shifting regulatory landscape

We provide policy advice, capital advisory solutions and decommissioning strategies to help our clients identify trends, drive down emissions, comply with regulatory frameworks, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

Our analysis and expertise helped an operator find an alternative, cost-cutting energy supply configuration. The cogeneration project reduced its operational expenditure by USD 29 million per year, with a lifecycle savings of over USD 300 million. It also reduced its capital expenditure by USD 19 million, and carbon emissions through efficiency gains.

Contact us to find out more.