Renewable energy

Solar panels and wind turbines creating energy at twilight.

Empowering clients to create a clean energy future.

Keeping our eyes on the road ahead

The future of energy points to a growing portfolio of renewables working alongside more traditional sources. Enablers, such as energy storage and smart and distributed energy systems, will play an important role in this transition.

We understand the traditional energy industry and we’ve been supporting the renewable energy industry since it’s infancy. The ability to combine a thorough understanding of traditional energy technologies and systems, renewables, and their enablers is particularly rare.

Renewables can exceed expectations of both energy markets and asset owners. For example, we recently completed a market analysis for a mid-sized oil & gas company in the US. We showed them how they could save up to 20 percent of their operational electricity costs by switching to an independent producer who use a cleaner energy mix of renewables and natural gas.

Using our advice others are already finding positive outcomes and making their energy transition journey easier. Why not you?

Aligning financial requirements with sustainability needs

Around the world, people are realizing we need to change. From the way we think, to the way we work, to the way we live. But this does not mean our bottom-line needs to be short-changed.

Using renewable energy is an opportunity to earn without sacrificing the planet. No matter which type of renewable energy source you’re considering.

700 wind projects and counting

Due to its relatively low cost, wind power is often the first renewable energy source people consider, and our role begins early. Such work includes location siting, system studies to gain network access, as well as identification and planning for related transmission requirements.

To take advantage of better wind resources and to avoid siting issues, turbines are increasingly being placed offshore. Offshore wind farms bring a new level of complexity and operational risk. But for us, it’s just business as usual.

Offshore wind turbines

350 solar power projects so far

We’ve worked on some of the largest commercial and utility-scale Photovoltaic, Concentrating Solar Power, and hybrid solar power stations and are agile enough to support smaller projects as well. We act as Owner’s Engineer on solar power portfolios across Kuwait and run feasibility and optimization studies on small Integrated Solar Combined Cycle CSP in colder climates like Canada.

Concentrating solar power plant in Chile

Over 200 hydro power projects under our belt so far

Hydropower facilities can be very reliable sources of power in many parts of the world. We support the industry from every angle. Quite literally. From groundworks, environmental and social impact assessments, up to control systems and financial feasibility.

Dam of a hydroelectric power plant

Harnessing the heat from within

There’s an enormous amount of heat within the earth, either generated through radioactive decay or as a legacy of the earth’s formation. Tapping this is an engineering challenge, despite geothermal power stations being relatively common. We’ve risen to these challenges, undertaking roles to support geothermal projects in places like New Zealand, UK, the US, Canada, and Chile.

Geothermal pipelines and plant

Leaving nothing to waste

Biomass projects can be complex. Luckily this fits well with our chemical, industrial, and thermal generation expertise. We have up-to-date knowledge across the full range of resource inputs and plant types, having supported every size from small, kW-sized projects up to the very largest biomass facilities.

Cows standing in a paddock at a biomass plant

Solving complex challenges is built into our DNA

Being embedded within a global engineering company allows rare access to project knowledge across industries and sectors. We use that knowledge to deliver a more sustainable world.

Contact a local expert and find out how we can apply our knowledge to ensure your renewable energy project succeeds.