Case Study

Khafji Crude Related Offshore Projects

offshore oil platform sunset

Advising on the risks involved in fabricating major offshore oil platforms

Technip was awarded the US$400 million engineering, procurement, fabrication, installation, commissioning and start-up contract for the project. 

Technip’s scope of work covered the installation of two integrated wellhead jackets, two power distribution platforms, a main composite submarine cable as well as a number of infield cables, a new living quarters platform and a control room. The contract also included the complete refurbishment of the existing LQ and OCP platforms. 

The fabrication, transportation and installation activities were subcontracted to China Offshore Oil Engineering Corporation (COOEC), a subsidiary of China National Offshore Oil Co (CNOOC). This included wellhead jacks and decks, living quarters and sub-sea cable installations. 

The fabrication works were undertaken in China before being shipped to the Neutral Zone and commissioned. COOEC understood the high risks to the project and that it needed to be delivered is the most efficient and effective way possible. 

Advisian’s role 

As this was the first contract COOEC had been awarded in the Middle East, they engaged Advisian to assist in identifying and assessing technical and project delivery risks that could impact on the project’s quality and delivery schedule. Advisian’s role included: 

  • Conducting a risk assessment of the work undertaken by COOEC 
  • Developing a risk register, risk response plan and mitigation strategies.


Advisian brought together a team that understood offshore facilities, particularly in the Middle East, who reviewed the project’s performance, and identified risks that needed to be mitigated and managed immediately. We worked collaboratively with COOEC’s technical and senior management to communicate our findings and develop mitigation strategies across the project. 
