Power networks

High voltage power lines at sunset

The new age of power networks.

Potential. That’s all renewable energy offers without an effective conduit. Power networks serve as the connection enabling the energy transition. They’re increasingly becoming important from a capacity, accessibility and reliability perspective as renewables such as solar, wind and hydrogen together with energy storage become our staples.

We’re making progress, but it’s understandably daunting

Climate change has created unique challenges for both old and new power networks. That’s because the power infrastructure faces possible disruption as a result of natural disasters such as wildfires, storms and floods.

The energy transition might help mitigate these disasters, but even it demands plenty from power networks. According to Princeton’s Andlinger Center, the transition to net zero will create demand that is three to five times the existing capacity of US power transmission. With that kind of growth, transmission owners will also have to decide where they build their infrastructure and how this will affect the surrounding communities.

So, how do we shift to a new paradigm?

Smart technology is part of the solution and is already helping to solve many of these disruption challenges. It’s integrating renewables and also helping configure both major grids and microgrids for remote applications. As a result, transmission owners are optimizing power network performance, utilization and reliability, while identifying and isolating power outages. In some cases, smart technology is enabling power networks to even recover without human input.

Using smart technology, we’re helping our clients with major transmission and distribution projects that will better respond to the challenges of tomorrow. This will bring greater renewable penetration and possibly reduce the disruptions caused by natural disasters.

We’re delivering custom power networks

Beyond smart technology solutions, we are supporting our clients with flexible alternate current transmission (FACTS) and long-distance direct current (DC) transmission of power (HVDC). We are also unlocking opportunities with our grid connection solutions for all forms of renewable generation both onshore and offshore. This is on top of our comprehensive power systems analysis and independent engineering services for owners, vendors, investors and financiers of network assets.

As a result, our clients are staying competitive and relevant as we transition to a net zero future. Contact your local experts to find out how you can be part of the journey.