Carbon capture from smoky coal plants and oil refinery towers.

With momentum building globally on a net zero transition, Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) is moving into the spotlight.

Along with renewables and energy efficiency, CCUS holds significant potential to decarbonize the energy sector. It reduces emissions, removes CO2 from the atmosphere and is considered a key technology to get to net zero emissions by 2050.

To achieve net zero, we need to increase CCUS adoption rates

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), CCUS will need to increase 100-fold, from 40 million to 5 billion tonnes per annum, to achieve current targets.

The good news is that you don’t need to build an entirely new infrastructure to adopt the technology. In fact, CCUS could be a cheaper and more feasible option for decarbonizing existing plants than for building new ones.

Next, we need to mature the technology

We need to deploy, scale up, and get investors on board. And as we do, we can simplify the engineering process, prove the application and attract further investment.

We’re developing strategies and assessing all the available technologies

We work across the complete CCUS story, from capture and use to transportation and storage. We model the process and have the tools to evaluate the alternatives, including cost estimates, economic analyses and risk profiles.

Global expertise, delivered locally

We have the relevant environmental, social and regulatory expertise. And engineering and project development disciplines to apply CCUS across the energy, chemicals and resources sectors.

We’re excited to apply our knowledge and skills to help realize the potential CCUS has to play in transitioning to a more sustainable future.