Environment and Society

River in the outback of Australia

Enabling social licence. Supporting profitability. Delivering sustainable developments.

Our outcomes protect and enhance our environment – the water we drink, the air we breathe – while creating long-term benefits for Indigenous and local communities.

Boots on the ground, eyes on the horizon

Because we’re embedded within a global engineering company, you have access to project knowledge across a range of industries and sectors rarely seen under one roof. Our environmental solutions truly complement engineering design. They speed up your project schedules. And they put sustainability at the heart of everything we do.

For over 40 years our environment and society consultancy has provided world-class support in:

  • strategy and planning
  • biodiversity and natural resources
  • permitting and regulation
  • mitigation and management
  • participation and engagement

Building confidence

It’s no secret that society is playing an increasing role in deciding whether projects get developed. New developments need to operate cleaner, use less water, and be powered by sustainable energy. You can do this and maintain your social license by involving environment and society experts early-on in the development process.

The best outcomes are achieved through collaboration, mutually beneficial partnerships, and transparency with the local community. You can do this, we can help. Show the measures you are taking to ensure safety and environmental protection. Share project benefits with the community.

Sharing benefit can take many forms, such as jobs for skilled workers and contracting opportunities for local businesses. Community investment creates a win-win. And if you plan ahead the community will continue to thrive long after the project has run its course.

More than ticking boxes

Blind spots to shifting regulations and permits can lead to project delays and costly re-engineering. By merging permitting schedules with engineering milestones, we can help you flip this problem on its head, allowing you to make adjustments within the original design instead of after.

For example, we used this approach to help a midstream client in western Canada from costly schedule delays. Our team aligned the permitting and engineering milestones on this construction project. By identifying critical long-lead permitting activities, they were able to prioritize accordingly and begin construction as scheduled.

We source the right experts to deliver the best solution

No matter what company they work for, or where they are located.

We are allies of disadvantaged businesses, Indigenous businesses, and even other consulting firms.

Because when it comes to the future of our planet, we are all on the same team.

Best interests of people and planet at heart

Our purpose is to provide shared benefits to society while delivering industrial developments in a way that continues to add value to the world while protecting the planet.

We value our relationships and forge partnerships with Indigenous communities wherever we work. We have programs in place to show our commitment including our Reconciliation Action Plan in Australia and we’re also proud members of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business.

We are scientists, engineers, economists, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, social practitioners, managers, and technicians embracing our changing world while solving its complex energy transition and social challenges.


Find out more about what we do at Advisian