
photo courtesy of South Stream Transport BV

Our broad expertise enables complex projects in technically challenging environments to be managed in-house for fewer interfaces and faster application of lessons learned.

As an industry leader in offshore pipeline technology, Intecsea assists operators worldwide with unique solutions to hydrocarbon production and transportation system needs. We design and manage offshore pipeline projects and lead the industry in the execution of ultra-deepwater marine pipeline projects.

We offer HPHT design, pipe-in-pipe design, full-scale testing program management, dense phase flow assessment, pigging technology, ultra-deepwater survey management, and advanced mechanics.

Pipeline integrity management

With the increase in length and depth at which subsea pipelines are constructed, there is a growing requirement for remote data acquisition and analysis to assure pipeline integrity. Intecsea has a proven track record in designing and applying remote monitoring systems together with the development of data analytics tools to meet these challenging environments.

Project experience

Intecsea’s extensive project experience includes practical design and installation knowledge required for cost effective completion and operation of marine pipeline facilities in all environments. In addition to industry-leading deepwater pipeline applications, we have also been responsible for many long distance, large diameter transmission pipeline projects and conventional offshore platform-to-platform pipeline projects.

Pipeline Engineering
photo courtesy of South Stream Transport BV


  • Technical and feasibility studies
  • Survey management and route selection and visualization
  • Preliminary and detailed design
  • Field development engineering
  • HP/HT pipeline engineering
  • Arctic pipeline engineering
  • Insulated pipe-in-pipe engineering
  • Deepwater flowline and pipeline engineering
  • Pipeline repair engineering
  • Materials and NDT engineering
  • Project management 
  • Manufacturing and construction management
  • Owner’s engineering
  • Regulatory compliance engineering
  • Asset Integrity Management and operation support
  • Flow assurance assessment
Subsea Pipeline Services
Subsea Pipeline Services