Chemicals and fuels

Aerial view of oil gas chemical refinery plant with sun setting and pink sky.

Meeting opportunity in a changing landscape.

The refining and chemicals landscape is evolving. With the global shift to a low carbon economy, operators face decisions around operational and capital efficiencies, which products to produce, and how to meet environmental regulations.

This is a time to try new things. The tipping point – where it no longer makes sense to keep operating in the same way – is now. 

But lots of questions need to be answered first: what do you do with idle capacity? How quickly can you shift production? Can you use capacity to create new renewable fuels or integrate into the circular economy that you wouldn’t have had the capacity to do before? 

And what investments can you make so your asset is resilient for today and for tomorrow?

The plant of the future is already here

Feedstocks are changing from fossil fuels. And the good news for operators is they have multiple options. They can co-process traditional with unconventional feedstocks, shift to bio-based alternatives, or integrate carbon re-use as a feedstock.

We see growing demand for petrochemical products triggered by trends including population growth and urbanization. Oil to chemicals continues to play a big role. Petrochemicals will be a key part of low-carbon applications. We see alternative materials made from petrochemicals powering drones, electric cars, and solar batteries. These can be recycled and contribute to a more sustainable economy.

Each plant has its own configuration, technology options, feedstock opportunities, potential markets, etc.  

When it comes to choosing the right path, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. 

The challenges are new, but we have the skills to tackle them 

We’re passionate about solving problems, integrating new technologies and seeing improvements that will benefit everyone. And we have a valuable perspective to help your decision making. 

We bring together global experience and expertise in future fuels, emissions reduction, digital solutions, refinery and petrochemical synergies, and crude-to-chemicals configuration studies, capital planning and operational improvement. This, with our industry knowledge and market intel services, will give you all the business insights and analysis you need to make important decisions in this shifting landscape.

We help you make better decisions through an objective view of the market

At the core of our approach is collaboration. We partner with you to come up with options that make sense, so you can get in front of the challenges and opportunities to make the most of them. We are not software or technology providers. For this reason, we are really focused on your value creation. 

A clear picture of what you need to do and how it can be implemented

All our information is validated with a delivery lens, so it holds up in the market. We bring these components to you at the first stages of a project or investment decision. We can tell you how much your project will cost. We can give you an accurate project schedule. We can tell you the risks you face and what you can do to mitigate them. And we can tell you all the permitting and land requirements, and work with you to meet them. 

But more importantly, we help you implement your project and measure its success. 

Whether navigating changing regulatory environments, exiting a business, making an investment, looking at a completely new project, or shifting production to meet changing demand, we can help.