
Collage of wind turbines, coal plant smoke stacks and trees

Looking towards a cleaner energy future.

The world is on a journey to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. 

Political action, communities, activists and societal expectations are all driving this change. And, in turn, energy companies must take steps to align their plants, processes and products. 

No-one said decarbonizing was going to be easy. Operating profitably without losing credibility – or your social license to operate – is a challenge that’s set to grow over the coming decades. 

But we also believe it is the biggest opportunity in the history of humanity. 

But what about the here and now?

Some facts remain unchanged. The world still needs metals. It still needs fuels, plastics, cement and fertilizers. The challenge of decarbonization lies in how we bring a responsible approach to these industries, putting forward a competitive and sustainable business case for change. 

We have touchpoints across every part of your project

We bring a cross section of capabilities to the table, including engineering and sciences, commercial and contractual expertise, together with policy and regulatory advocacy. And we don’t just have new energy experts within our pool, we can draw directly from the expertise of world-class domain experts in oil and gas, power generation, infrastructure, and mining, minerals and metals

We use this knowledge to help you assess the optimal decarbonization technology roadmap for your asset and business needs. We work with you to determine existing options such as energy efficiency and heat integration, fuel switching, carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS), and natural solutions. And we always consider the potential to incorporate future and emerging technologies. 

It’s not just about technology, it’s about regulations and policy

We’re already seeing many clients make the leap towards decarbonizing their operations. But as societal pressure to address climate change continues to rise, there will also be growing pressure to decarbonize from other stakeholders like investors and regulators. We recognize this and provide energy policy and strategy support to strengthen your social license to operate. 

Understanding which low-carbon path to take is complex but acting now is critical. 

We’re with you on this journey.

“We need to pursue a fair and just energy transition for all. Low‑carbon fuels will be key.”

Nicola Knight | Director - Low Carbon

Read Nicola's profile


Decarbonization of Shipping
Decarbonization of shipping