
Hydrogen gas plant

The next energy frontier.

Companies and cities everywhere are taking steps to decarbonize. But without reliable, clean fuels it will be hard for many industries to do. That’s where hydrogen enters the frame.

Hydrogen offers a reliable power supply that can significantly reduce carbon emissions. And it can integrate into existing energy infrastructures with relative ease. Interest and investment in hydrogen is taking off, and it’s now included in the strategies of many energy players. But the industry is still in its infancy. Policy support is variable. And the technology needs to come down the cost curve, which will happen with increased demand and economies of scale.

It will take a mix of hydrogen to get us there

The endgame may be green, but we also see blue hydrogen becoming a competitive alternative to fossil fuels. By connecting the dots, we can drive the industry forward across all hydrogen supply chains – blue, gray and green.

We’ve been working on hydrogen solutions from the start, beginning with our work looking at using hydrogen in high pressure natural gas lines in Canada. Since then, we've completed many projects around the world. From looking at how we apply hydrogen commercially to how we develop a green hydrogen industry, these projects have laid the groundwork for integrating hydrogen into all kinds of existing facilities – including new ones.

Getting the industry off the ground

We’re working with governments, municipalities, global energy players, and small operators to scope out what’s possible and move the industry from concept to reality. Together, we’re tackling all the difficult questions. How can we reuse infrastructure? How can we build resiliency in the supply chain and prepare for impacts? And how do we drive down costs, or repurpose stranded assets?

We also have links with key technology providers and are connected to an entire supply chain that will have an important influence on your project. 

We make the complex simple, and we help you create

We’re not just strategy consultants. We’re engineers, scientists and project managers who know how to give you detailed cost estimates and designs, and technical solutions that make sense for your business. We can help you with regulatory approvals and community engagement. And support you from concept to commissioning, backed by Worley’s project delivery and operations and maintenance offerings.

We don’t have all the answers yet, but we know there’s enormous potential for hydrogen to play a major role in the energy transition.

Let us help you get there.