Contaminated sites and sustainable remediation management

Wetting material during pickup asbestos clean up at a contaminated site

Helping clients manage contaminated sites and handle environmental liability, at any scale.

Environmental liabilities typically associated with soil and groundwater contamination are a growing problem for corporations. This is due to increasingly protective regulatory standards, and more regulatory requirements. For example, changing contaminant disclosure requirements. The growing need for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting, and societal scrutiny especially from local communities and landowners also adds to this challenge.

Companies with sites impacted by contamination face significant financial, regulatory, and reputational risks.

Many site assessment and remediation programs are poorly designed and mismanaged. This means environmental liabilities are never properly dealt with and remain on the balance sheets.

But contaminated sites also present an opportunity. Your company can realize substantial financial, environmental, biodiversity, and social value gains if liabilities are effectively managed and sites are restored to a beneficial use. 

That’s where we come in

There’s a simple reason why we’ve been trusted to support the world’s largest hydrocarbon remediation project. We’re leaders at contaminated land assessment and we know all about managing remediation projects. Of any size.  Safely and efficiently.

Offering a sustainable, pragmatic, and cost-effective approach

For over 40 years we’ve been helping clients reduce, mitigate, and exit their environmental and decommissioning liabilities.

Our team takes a pragmatic approach to assess environmental risks. We develop efficient liability management strategies using our extensive experience in specialized areas such as contaminant fate and transport or human health risk assessment.

Our international team of experts will help you quickly make informed decisions for your asset risk management strategy.

We build and foster relationships with regional regulatory communities which helps secure approval for sustainable remedial strategies.

We’ll identify, manage, and minimize environmental liability and risk in a cost-effective manner. And ultimately, help your company secure stakeholder agreement and regulatory closure.

Managing emerging contaminants

We’re at the forefront of developing site assessment and remediation strategies to address the world’s emerging contaminants, such as PFAS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances) and asbestos. 

PFAS and asbestos are difficult to destroy and they won’t naturally degrade. This makes assessing and remediating these emerging contaminants a complex task.

Our approach to assess and mitigate the risk of asbestos, PFAS and other emerging contaminants provides you with sustainable, durable, and cost-effective solutions. These solutions are compliant with regulatory requirements and accepted by relevant stakeholders.

Here to help

We’re here to help you reduce your environmental liabilities and mitigate risks quickly. And it’ll cost less than you might think. Contact a local expert and find out more.

By the numbers

countries across the globe with clients benefiting from the value we bring to their market sectors
site assessments undertaken in over 30 countries and across all sectors
Icon of dollar bills
saved through sustainable site assessment and remediation technologies
Icon of leaf
environmental and human health risk assessments
Icon of a bobcat vehicle
soil and groundwater remediation projects

Find out more about what we do at Advisian