Energy transition and sustainability

Close up of light bulb, with wind turbines and solar panels

Delivering a more sustainable world, across the industries we serve.

We celebrated our 50th Earth Day anniversary during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns. But in the last 50 years our population has doubled, while vertebrate wildlife populations have halved. Humanity has significantly increased per capita consumption of natural resources with associated deforestation and pollution. And we added 1.2 trillion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere which has already caused surface temperatures to increase by 1°C. 

The next 50 years need to be different.

Sustainability can no longer be an afterthought

Our consultants work with you from the very outset of your project. We’ll be there during the advisory and concept stage right through to decommissioning, integrating the latest technologies, techniques and strategies to optimize your results, before work even begins. 

We help our clients work productively with the communities affected by their projects. We undertake stakeholder and landholder relations, complete environmental and social impact assessments and work with  and local communities to achieve the best possible social outcomes. 

The energy transition: an integral part of the bigger sustainability picture 

The dual challenge of supplying energy to a growing population, while addressing the risks of climate change, is one of the greatest challenges the world is facing today. The energy transition isn’t just about alternative fuels, power generation, or use, or storage. It’s all the elements that contribute to the energy ecosystem. This affects all our clients, across all our sectors.

We’re developing strategies and business cases for our emissions intensive clients to move to low carbon energy options, as efficiently and safely as possible. Our consultants are advising customers on circular and hydrogen economies, water stewardship, electrification, and climate change risk and adaptation. 

Technology, markets and global collaboration are helping to drive this shift

Many fear that humanity has not acted quickly enough to prevent the major ramifications of climate change, environmental degradation and energy poverty. We see that cleaner technologies are within our grasp, and that industry leadership, market forces and political forces are aligning to drive their widespread adoption. 

We believe that together, we are capable of achieving incredible things.  

“We need to pursue a fair and just energy transition for all. Low‑carbon fuels will be key.”

Nicola Knight | Director - Low Carbon

Read Nicola's profile


From Ambition to Reality

How to convert thinking into action by outlining the indicators needed to measure and drive change in the race to deliver net zero.


Delivering a more sustainable world

Our ambition is that we will be recognized globally as a leader in sustainability solutions.


Collage of Worley engineer, underground structure, chemical plant, powerlines and body of water.